Last Updated: 26,07,2024    Views: 16

I have been given a disciplinary but I disagree with the outcome. What can I do?

If you have been given a disciplinary sanction which you do not think is fair or proportionate to the incident that has occurred, you have the right to appeal the sanction within a set time period. 

Information about how to do this will be contained within the communication sent to you about the sanction, however the full Student Disciplinary Regulations can be found on our website.  

Students wishing to exercise their right of appeal must submit a formal written representation, clearly stating the grounds of their appeal within ten working days of the date of the outcome communication sent.               
You may wish to contact the Students’ Union at the University’s Ormskirk Campus for any additional support you may require.  You can contact the Students' Union Advice and Representation Centre on 01695 657301 or via email at