Last Updated: 31,05,2024 Views: 30
Microsoft OneNote has the function of exporting to a PDF, but the methods that this can be achieved with vary depending on the device and operating system that is being used.
It should also be noted that there are two versions of OneNote which are different programs:
- OneNote 2016 - The Desktop application that is included with the Microsoft Office 365 package for Windows and Macs.
Tip: If you're able to see 'File' in the top-right hand corner, then you will be using this version of OneNote.
- OneNote App - A separate application version of OneNote which can be downloaded to your computer, or can be accessed online through Microsoft Outlook.
It is important to note the difference between the two programs as OneNote 2016 works with .onepkg files which cannot be opened by the OneNote App.
Some users may find that they want to export their OneNote notebook to a PDF, but the method to use varies, and there are certain considerations that will need to be taken in to account depending on what version of OneNote is being used, as well as whether OneNote is being used on a Windows or Mac computer, or on an Android phone/tablet or iPhone/iPad.
The different methods and their considerations are outlined below:
OneNote 2016 for Windows
- In your OneNote notebook, click 'File' -> 'Export'
- In the Export screen, set the exportation setting to 'Page', 'Section' or 'Notebook' depending on what you would like to export as a PDF.
- Set the format to 'PDF'
- Press 'Export'
- Save your PDF to your preferred location
OneNote App for Windows
- In your OneNote notebook, click the 'Settings and More' ••• icon in the top right-hand corner.
- Click 'Print'
- Set the print setting to 'Print to PDF'
- Further down, set the pages setting to 'Notebook' to export the entire notebook.
- Press 'Print'
- Save your PDF to your preferred location.
OneNote 2016 for Mac
OneNote 2016 for Mac only has the functionality to export one page of your notebook to a PDF at a time. If you wish to combine the PDFs then you will need to do so by another method, such as the one outlined in this article.
- In your OneNote notebook, click 'File' -> 'Save as PDF'
- Save the PDF to your preferred location.
OneNote App for Mac
The OneNote App for Mac is able to 'Print to PDF' like its Windows equivalent, but can only do so one page at a time within a notebook. If you wish to combine the PDFs then you will need to do so by another method, such as the one outlined in this article.
- In your OneNote notebook, press ⌘ + P
- In the following print screen, select 'Save as Adobe PDF' in the bottom left-hand corner.
- Save the PDF to your preferred location
OneNote App for iPad/iPhone
Like other Mac versions of OneNote, iPads and iPhones can only convert one page to PDF at a time via the 'Print to PDF' function. If you wish to combine the PDFs then you will need to do so by another method, such as the one outlined in this article.
- In your OneNote notebook, press the 'Share' icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select 'Send copy of page'
- Select 'Send with another app'
- Select 'Print to PDF'
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