How do I submit my assignment through Turnitin?
You're able to submit to a Turnitin assignment by clicking on the assignment link in your course area. This will direct you to the Turnitin page where you can then upload your submission. See the Turnitin Submission section on our Online Learning support pages for a video demo or pdf guide on submitting or viewing grades/feedback.
Being able to submit to a Turnitin Submission Dropbox after the deadline has passed is dependent on whether your tutor has enabled this setting for that particular assignment. If this setting has not been enabled then the option to submit to your assignment will not be available after the Due Date. In scenarios such as this, we advise contacting your tutor.
Note: For further information and guidance on using Turnitin, see the Turnitin Submission section on our Online Learning support pages for a video demo or pdf guide on submitting or viewing grades/feedback.
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