Last Updated: 12,06,2024 Views: 5

I can't see my originality report in Turnitin.

Your tutor needs to ensure they have allowed students to view reports.  Check with your tutor to make sure they have enabled this.

The first time you submit a piece of work (If your tutor has set your dropbox for multiple submissions) and the following 3 submissions, it can take between a few seconds and a few hours to return your report, but it may take significantly longer at peak hand-in times. The fourth submitted assignment will always take a minimum of 24 hours to return a report. If you have any concerns then please contact your course tutor or module leader.

Note: For further information and guidance on using Turnitin, see the Turnitin Submission section on our Online Learning support pages for a video demo or pdf guide on submitting or viewing grades/feedback.