Last Updated: 18,06,2024 Views: 22
In Learning Edge, you’re able to set how often you would like to receive notifications from your course area – You can set to receive them as they happen, or can instead opt for all updates to be delivered once per day at approximately 5.30pm in a ‘Daily Notifications’ email.
If you are not receiving notifications then we would advise to firstly check this setting. This can be found in your Profile page in Learning Edge, located as the second option in the main menu (The link appears as your own name in capital letters):
This page is where you can manage the notification settings that you receive:
If you select ‘Email notifications’, you will see the following page where you can set when to receive a notification and which activities you would like to be notified of:
If you are not receiving notifications, or receiving them later than expected: Select ‘Email me straight away’
If you are receiving too many notifications: Select ‘Email me once a day’ or deselect the types of activity that you would like to receive notifications for.
Emails from Blackboard may be delivered to your ‘Other’ tab in Outlook:
If you would like to change Outlook so that they are always delivered to your ‘Focused’ tab instead, you can do so by right-clicking any email from Blackboard, followed by ‘Move’ -> ‘Always Move to Focused Inbox’.
You may also find the following video demonstration helpful:
Video: Controlling Notifications in Blackboard
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