Last Updated: 25,06,2024 Views: 29

How do I get a good quality transcript for my video?

We recommend using Panopto to obtain a good quality transcript in the first instance.

When the recordings are uploaded to Panopto, you can download a file containing the timestamped text.  This is copied to a Transcript template - You can find a copy of the Transcript template at this link.

To find the Panopto file containing the timestamped text:

  • Find the recording
  • Hover you mouse over the recording link and you will see the function buttons
  • Click 'Settings'
  • Click 'Captions'
  • Under 'Available Captions', click on the 'Default' button
  • Download the file. 

You can copy the content of this file and paste it in to the template for the Transcript.

Another method is through using Youtube. YouTube creates automatic transcripts and you can either copy the text and past it into another document, or you can download the subtitles. See this guide for how: 

How to access a YouTube video transcript