Can the Mental Health and Wellbeing team provide me with therapy?
Yes the team offer therapy – this includes counselling and low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy skills.
Counselling offer students an opportunity to talk about their feelings and emotions with a trained therapist, who'll listen and support them without judging or criticising. Counselling can help students to gain a better understanding of their feelings and thought processes, and find their own solutions to problems. We offer students up to 6 sessions of counselling per academic year.
Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy aims to provide you with an awareness of their thoughts, feeling and behaviours and an understanding of how these interact. You will learn a variety of strategies to manage stress, anxiety and low mood to be better able to manage your mental health. We offer students up to 6 sessions of CBT skills per academic year.
In order to access any therapy you need to attend an initial appointment first which can be booked via the wellbeing webpages . The initial appointment is not a therapy session, but you will be able to discuss whether Counselling or low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy is appropriate for your needs.