I am worried about my housemates mental health
If you have any concerns about your own mental health, or the mental health of one of your housemates, it is important to let someone know. If your concern is urgent and you are worried that your housemate is in danger, please contact Campus Support on 01695 584227 or 07785 928911.
All Campus Support staff are trained to deal with all types of different situations, including mental health First Aid. If you have called an ambulance, please ensure that you let Campus Support know so that they can direct the ambulance to the correct Hall upon their arrival on campus.
If your concern is not urgent, you can let the student Mental Health and Wellbeing Team know by using the “Let Us Know” referral scheme.
You can also use this referral method to let the team know if you are struggling with your own mental health.
You can also get in touch with the Wellbeing Team by emailing mentalhealthandwellbeing@edgehill.ac.uk.
We also have a free 24/7 support service called Togetherall