Last Updated: 24,06,2024    Views: 36

Support available to help students with Dyslexia?

The SpLD Support team support students at the university who have a wish to explore any challenges related to Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as DyslexiaDyspraxiaDyscalculia and ADHD.

The team offers two pathways for SpLD students to access support and technologies that may be helpful in developing study skills strategies and mitigating the impact of any challenges. If you would like to learn more, please book a Welcome appointment and one of the team will meet with you and explain the support available at the university.

Our team provides a range of specialist study skills support, to help you develop strategies that you can use in your studies and other areas of your life.

The support is student-led. You decide what you will be working on in each session. All students can access support from their first contact with the services. Please get in touch via: to arrange a Welcome appointment and speak to a member of the team.

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